Glimmora ex




Collection Management

General informations

Set identifier 213

Ultra Rare Pokemon

From the Scarlet & Violet's Obsidian Flames Set

Glimmora ex's informations

270 HP

Fighting type Card

Stage1 Pokemon

Glimmora ex's Ability

Dust Field

Ability: As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, your opponent can't have more than 3 Benched Pokémon. If they have 4 or more Benched Pokémon, they discard Benched Pokémon until they have 3 Pokémon on the Bench. If more than one effect changes the number of Benched Pokémon allowed, use the smaller number.

Glimmora ex's Attacks

Poisonous Gem - 140

Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned.