Collection Management
General informations
Set identifier 021
Three Diamond Pokemon
Illustrated by nagimiso
Abomasnow's informations
120 HP
Water type Card
Stage1 Pokemon
Evolve from Snover
Abomasnow's Ability
Vigor Link
Ability: If you have <a class="localized-string__link" href="/pokemon/arceus/">Arceus</a> or <a class="localized-string__link" href="/pokemon/arceus-ex/">Arceus ex</a> in play, attacks used by this Pokémon cost 1 less <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-colorless"></span> Energy.
Abomasnow's Attacks
Mega Punch - 80
Other Informations
It lives a quiet life on mountains that are<br />perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself<br />by whipping up blizzards.