




Collection Management

General informations

Set identifier 013

Three Diamond Pokemon

Illustrated by Kazumasa Yasukuni

From the Pokémon TCG Pocket's Triumphant Light Set

Heatran's informations

110 HP

Fire type Card

Basic Pokemon

Heatran's Ability

Speed Link

Ability: If you have <a class="localized-string__link" href="/pokemon/arceus/">Arceus</a> or <a class="localized-string__link" href="/pokemon/arceus-ex/">Arceus ex</a> in play, this Pokémon has no Retreat Cost.

Heatran's Attacks

Ragin' Mad Strike - 40

If this Pokémon has damage on it, this attack does 40 more damage.

Other Informations

It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its<br />cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls.