Collection Management
General informations
Set identifier 019
Three Diamond Pokemon
Illustrated by LINNE
Vaporeon's informations
120 HP
Water type Card
Stage1 Pokemon
Evolve from Eevee
Vaporeon's Ability
Wash Out
Ability: As often as you like during your turn, you may move a <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-water"></span> Energy from 1 of your Benched <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-water"></span> Pokémon to your Active <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-water"></span> Pokémon.
Vaporeon's Attacks
Wave Splash - 60
Other Informations
It lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with<br />a fin, which is often mistaken for a mermaid's.