Dark Gengar
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General informations
Dark Gengar's informations
National Pokédex No 94
70 HP
Psychic type Card
Stage2 Pokemon
Evolve from Haunter
Dark Gengar's Ability
Deep Sleep
Pokemon Power: As long as any Dark Gengar are in play, a player flips 2 coins for each of his or her Pokémon that is Asleep at the end of each turn. If either of them is tails, that Pokémon is still Asleep. This power stops working if Dark Gengar is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Dark Gengar's Attacks
Pull In - 30
If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, you may choose 1 of them and switch it with the Defending Pokémon (before doing damage or other effects of this attack). Either way, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.