Light Slowbro





Collection Management

General informations

Set identifier 51

Uncommon Pokemon

Illustrated by Tomokazu Komiya

From the Neo's Neo Destiny Set

Light Slowbro's informations

National Pokédex No 80

80 HP

Psychic type Card

Stage1 Pokemon

Evolve from Slowpoke

Light Slowbro's Attacks

Fish Out

Your opponent may choose up to 3 Baby Pokémon, Basic Pokémon, and/or Evolution cards from his or her discard pile and shuffle them into his or her deck. Either way, you may do the same.

Slash About - 20+

If there are more Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokémon than to Light Slowbro, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage. If not, this attack does 20 damage.