
The manager for your Pokémon TCG Collection

Image of the card Marowak
Image of the card Horsea
Image of the card Kangaskhan ex
Image of the card Venomoth
Image of the card Scyther
Image of the card Weezing
Image of the card Erika's Invitation
Image of the card Dragonair
Image of the card Rapidash
Image of the card Graveler
Image of the card Beedrill
Image of the card Starmie
Image of the card Marowak
Image of the card Horsea
Image of the card Kangaskhan ex
Image of the card Venomoth
Image of the card Scyther
Image of the card Weezing

Browse an enormous card database

18 000

Cards registered

1 000 000

Monthly requests

Manage your Pokemon TCG Collection right from your browser !

Collection Management

Normal Cards

0 of 0

Reverse Cards

0 of 0

Image of the card Kakuna
Image of the card Tangela
Image of the card Kadabra
Image of the card Nidoking
Image of the card Squirtle
Image of the card Ninetales ex
Image of the card Kabuto
Image of the card Clefable
Image of the card Sandslash
Image of the card Slowbro
Image of the card Gengar
Image of the card Seadra
Image of the card Kakuna
Image of the card Tangela
Image of the card Kadabra
Image of the card Nidoking
Image of the card Squirtle
Image of the card Ninetales ex

Use and contribute to a FREE and Open Source API

The TCGdex API is completely Free and Open Source.
You found an error ? or you have an idea that can improve the API ?
Nothing could be easier, you can contact us directly on the API&s Github or directly by Email!
You can also create your own tools using the API by following the documentation below!